Once you hit the Bottom, how long does it take to Turn Your Life Around?

     Listen to your soul, let it guide you back to life. Listen to your soul or die. Sometimes, that’s the alternative.  How long does it take to turn your life around?  If you listen and trust yourself – not as long as you might think.

I was truly shocked when I read this:

“I’m a depressed person whose only reason to get out of bed is to work. Because I have to.  Morning shower still can’t wash away the hardship of yesterday… It’s hard when nothing has any meaning. I wish one day I could wake up smiling.  In the morning, before I open my eyes I worry. Anxiety keeps me from falling asleep. Panic attacks wake me in the middle of the night.”

These are words of a hard working, stressed out, yet “functioning” adult. Functioning means: the being moves, breaths, and eats – to the outside it functions. But inside it’s dead. De-pressed. That’s what depression can look like. 

“Sounds like normal life!” I hear some of you say.  But we can do better. Something better is available to us. 

We can see the illusions only once we escape them. In the middle of struggle – the pain feels very real.

I doubt there was ever anyone who has escaped: the crisis of meaning, the crisis of faith, crisis in love, or self-worth, the dark night of the soul – everyone gets there sooner or later.

“The next time you struggle, that’s the time to create your authentic power. That’s the moment you distinguish between the fear and love.”– Gary Zukav.

Maybe I shouldn’t have shared this.  It was a page I found in my journal, probably from 2010. I was shocked because I forgot it was so bad. But I have turned my life around. Until next time.  Today I have a deep sense of meaning, fulfillment, purpose. I can find joy in living more often than before. It’s 98% better. I don’t go such depths of despair. (which I know is possible again)

How long does it take to turn your life around?

How long did it take me? Maybe a year or two. It gradually was getting better. I know it will be different for everyone. I had to make actual changes in life, relationship, environment, education, circle of friends, etc, changes I was VERY, very scared to make. I had no wise souls around me to support me, but..  the Spirit told me so…

I had my guiding Star. 

I listened to my soul.

I went on a silent retreat.

Many solo travels.

Hours and hours of driving. Too fast.

Days and days of staring at the ocean.


There was NO OTHER reason at all. No logical reason, if you ask. I followed the voice. But only after I resisted it long enough extending the suffering to the max, until my inner battery was at 1%. 

 But life is to LIVE and enjoy so I had to reclaim my life force.

You don’t have to know how to do this. You don’t even have to know how it will look like (though you may have a vision of it and dreams about it) You only need to take the next step.

Listen to your soul, let it guide you back to life. Listen to your soul or die.
Often, that’s the alternative.

How long does it take to turn your life around?

If you listen to your Soul and trust yourself – not as long as you might think.

Following my North Star

Related topics:

Depression / 7 ways to get out of a funk

What happens on the Healing path 

How to find your life’s purpose – coming soon

How to know what you want?
