[Podcast 2] Limiting Beliefs. How to find and change them?


You hear them from people around you every day.. . “I can’t… I have never done it before I am just not good at this Things like this don’t happen to a person like me… All the good ones are taken”.

In this episode let’s take a look at limiting beliefs.

1) What are they?

2) Where do they come from, how do we make them stronger.

3) How to find your own limiting beliefs

4) How to transform them

5) How to practice them

If a Limiting belief is limiting our potential, then the opposite is expansive, freeing expanding, elevating, amplifying, simply empowering beliefs.

There are few fast ways to change them but most likely it will take time and conscious effort. The evolution of thinking is the most natural thing, and maybe the most rewarding. I know that, if I traveled to the future 10 years from now, the most disappointing thing would be to see that I haven’t changed.

  1. Limiting beliefs are thoughts that pretend to be true. Beliefs are just thoughts. It may seem they are facts, but they do not need to be facts at all for us to be deeply convinced of them. Yes, even when those beliefs limit us. Limiting beliefs prevent us from taking action that would bring us fulfillment, they keep us small. How come?

If beliefs are thoughts, naturally they create a feeling, an emotional state, and everything we do, or don’t do, every action we take or don’t take is driven by our feelings. So it’s clear: when you have a thought that you can’t do it – you won’t try it, and the result is that you don’t have it. If you believe you don’t deserve something, even if it comes to you, you will either not see it, or you will lose it. Often they become a part of your identity.

2.Where do the Limiting Beliefs come from ? They come from strong emotional experiences, words we heard over and over, the reality we lived in. The stronger ones may come from childhood. But we can create limiting thoughts and beliefs in adulthood as well. We could be creating limiting beliefs all day long. They come from a disempowering interpretation of personal experiences.

3) HOW TO FIND your limiting beliefs in your head. (beliefs are thoughts) Look at the area of life that is not working, that you are not satisfied with. Journal. Empty the brain. It’s like cleaning up a messy drawer with socks. We need to empty it, select the old ones and throw them away, and decide what you want to put back into your mind. Why would you keep old socks, that don’t look good, if you can afford to 100 pairs of new socks?

4) How to change them? This is not about replacing one thought with another that feels better.  Often transforming one limiting belief to empowering one doesn’t happen in one step. Actually what is closer to practice :  you “try on” a new believable thought,  you see its impact on your life and then with time you open up to even better thought and even better, and this is how you create better results. Create time and space to contemplate the beliefs, put them against the scale of life. Is it worth it to carry them all these years. So How to transform limiting beliefs ? by doing mind management.

5) Then go out to the world and test it Practice the new thought, like a new habit. The old, limiting belief will try to call you back. It will tell you the new way is not safe for you or that it’s not for you. You will want to fall into the past thinking. If you realize this is simply how the mind works you will keep strengthening your new belief. You will adjust it. You will practice.  Until one day this will be your new reality
