Category Archives for Weight Loss Coaching

How to measure progress? If the scales were not around…[weight]

Remember the time when you committed to certain food plan, and your friends judged you for eating healthy? In the past you would not want to “hurt people’s feelings”, you would want to “belong” by eating the same bad food.  You’d eat it all. And you would hurt your feelings. Now you know how to set boundaries with love. And keep the promise you gave to yourself. 
This is progress. 

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Can’t break up with sugar? Important: change your THOUGHTS

Eliminating flour and sugar is hard in itself but we are making it even harder. When you start the weight loss process you will likely hear that you need to eliminate SF. Or at least drastically reduce. It. And you may have an opinion, a thought about it . you may have an emotional reaction to it. And yet if we want the results – F+S has to go. It’s just one of these things that we do.

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